Through these two weeks learning, we learned that a lot of software can be applied to classroom teaching. Dr. Wang teaches in real time through multimedia instruction. She teaches us how to register all kinds of software. This class started by introducing ourselves and talking about our frequently used software as an introduction. By WordPress teacher assign homework and students upload homework. The Internet, multimedia and education are closely related.

The app I like is wenjuanxing. The function of the questionnaire star is more comprehensive. It can carry out questionnaires, online surveys, satisfaction surveys, market research, online exams, online voting, online registration. The app I like is Padlet. Padlet is an electronic white board, where we can post text, audio, video, file, website links, and take photos if a webcam is embeded. The third of my favorite software is Baidu cloud. It can provide file network backup, synchronization and sharing services. It has large space, fast, safe and stable, support education network to accelerate, support mobile terminal.

The first app I may not use is textmoz. Testmoz can just create automatically graded online tests for free but the function of the questionnaire star is more comprehensive. It can carry out questionnaires, online surveys, satisfaction surveys, market research, online exams, online voting, online registration. The second app i may not use is classdojo. Classdojo is free online software, which build a real-time communication platform for parents and teacher. Although it make teacher and parents communicate more convenient, i belived that children do not like being taken photos all the time and make parents know everything they did by their teacher. Children like to share story with others by themselves.

The first thing is, in the first class, we add someone else’s blog to the web page. This makes it easier for us to browse through the blogs of the members of the group. This work can promote the relationship between students, and  learn from each other. The second thing is that we work together to make web pages. Not only in the early stage of the division of labor, but also later we need to work together to complete. In this process, we have increased the tacit understanding of cooperation. The third thing is to shoot videos together. On the subject, we can not repeat, so it’s important to communicate before the video. Through these two weeks of cooperation with the group of students, so that we have a better understanding of team work.  In these days is not only our personal success, but also our group’s.

In group work, because everyone has their own ideas, so it is important to listen to others. Cultivate team work consciousness, team members should respect each other, learn to listen to other people’s opinions, to communicate with others happily, and realize the importance of teamwork. I think we should spend more time after class to do the work together.

The combination of network software and teaching is a general trend, such as the new classroom flipped classroom. As a student who wants to be a teacher in the future, we should shoulder the important task of training the students’ information ability, and the information technology education will be popularized all over the country. Using network and multimedia to enable students to participate in the classroom and better study knowledge. Software such as classdoju, for example, is very useful in teaching in the future. So it is important to improve our technology skills.


Polleverywhere, wenjuanxing, and testmoz, these three software are free of charge. Testmoz can just create automatically graded online tests for free. Polleverywhere is an online voting service that supports mobile phones and computers. Compared to the three software, the function of the questionnaire star is more comprehensive. It can carry out questionnaires, online surveys, satisfaction surveys, market research, online exams, online voting, online registration. The questionnaire star function is more widespread, of course, the three software operations are very convenient.

Questionnaire Star software involves a wide range, but also very practical. It can vote on the Internet, big data can be statistics in the background. Through the network statistics, we can see that the Love degree of people in new things. You can also take an online test. You can set the exam time. This not only saves economic costs, but also saves time and cost. Automatic scoring system is also available on the internet. It reduce the error rate of marking.

In class, teachers can know the preferences of students by voting online. Teachers can use questionnaires to let students to make a teaching evaluation. Flexible use of star questionnaire platform, not only can play the role of students in the hands of the intelligent mobile phone, but also can improve the efficiency of teachers, to achieve the integration of information technology and curriculum teaching, improve teachers’ information technology application level.

Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity. Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Though doing these project  by ourselves, we know that it is easy to use online software into class teaching. The network platform and the progress of education complement each other.

Students need to recite and play a tune smoothly within the allotted time. Here is My Rubric

Here is my Textmoz

Here is my questionnaire




Today, we learn what digital story is and why/when/how it is used in classroom. Digital storytelling demonstrates that it is a valuable tool to support knowledge management by a diverse genre of knowledge transfer. It is a short form of digital media production that allows everyday people to share aspects of their story. It is used in classroom convenient for both teaching and learning. Teacher can use digital-telling to make students pay more attention on class and have a more comprehensive understanding of knowledge.

I took the video with my camera on my cell phone. It is very convenient in modern times. After importing the video into the computer, I use a software called “love clip” to edit the video. In the process of video editing, it is important to keep audio and video together. You need to be patient enough to cut video clips to make perfect.

Proper use of multimedia can foster students’ initiative learning ability. Video content should be related to classroom teaching, and time is not very long. The use of multimedia can improve class efficiency. Multimedia is not the more the better, teachers should be based on the students’ cognitive laws and characteristics, the suitable use of multimedia, multimedia has become a tool for students, cognitive thinking enlightenment, instead of teaching content presentation tools.

Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments. Teacher asked us to make a story telling as a group. In the process of working, we learned a lot. From this work, we know that we have to demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations. On the other hand, as a team work we collaborate with students using digital tools and resources to support our success and innovation.

Our group’s view on digital storytelling


In today’s learning process, by uploading audio and video, let us have a better understanding of multimedia teaching. In today’s society, the use of multimedia is becoming very important.

We can record the audio through various channels. First record with the phone, then import the computer. Finally uploaded to Baidu cloud disk. Tape recordings with my own cell phone. The recording process is not difficult. It all benefits from the rapid development of science and technology.

The audio i did

To upload a video on the Internet, we have to shoot a video first by using camera on the phone. And then upload video to Iqiyi. The content of our video is about piano teaching. Before shooting the video, we first divided the work and what i talked about is piano sitting position. Before shooting the video, we have to search for information first. And compressing content in controllable time, such as what we requested today is two minutes video. How to upload videos on the Internet? First of all, we should copy our video into our computer, so we’d better format it into MP4 format. Then register the video site’s account number, such as Youku, Iqiyi. We can upload videos after registration.

The video i did

In teaching, the use of video and audio is very important, which can attract students’ interest in learning. There are also many videos and audios that can be recorded. We can use Baidu cloud as a medium to share video and audio. We can also use video software like Iqiyi and Youku to share videos to others. The development of network technology, download and making micro audio and video micro become very convenient, if we can select the appropriate micro audio and video micro application in classroom and a good grasp of the opportunity to play, be of great advantage to improve the efficiency of the classroom.


Today we learn about web page. Web page is the basic element of a web site and web page is read through web browsers.  A document page is a file created by an operating system that reflects the size of the hard disk space to build and use virtual memory. A web page is based on document page. Web pages need to be browsed on the web, but document pages don’t need to.

Text and pictures are the two basic elements of a web page. Website refers to a collection of related pages for displaying specific content according to certain rules, HTML, ASP and other code language on the internet. The layout of a web page needs planning to be clear and natty, so it is important to plan site with a storyboard ahead of time.

There are many problems encountered in the construction of the website. In the process of making web pages, difficulties are inevitable. We can find a solution by asking questions to our teachers and classmates.

Model digital age work and learning. Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Though create a website by ourselves, we know that we have to demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations. On the other hand, as a team work we collaborate with students using digital tools and resources to support our success and innovation.

website we did



Classdojo is free online software, which build a real-time communication platform for parents and teacher. It enables parents learn how students behave in school in real-time. You can share what chidren do on classdojo to parentss. Posting a notice to parents on the Internet. Using count down in class time.

This software is very convenient for parents and teachers because parents like to see their children’s performance in class. Nowadays, network and teaching are closely related. So it’s important to master all kinds of software

I can send my students’ study and schedule to their parents and let them know the arrangement of the school. In addition, I can take photos and videos about kids’ performance in class and send them to parents. Parents are very concerned about children on study situations and personal safety in school. Classdojo can not only increase the communication between parents and teachers, but also help parents to be more comfortable with their children’s health.

Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments. Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills , and attitudes identified in the standards. This software promotes and motivates students’ learning and creativity through the use of virtual data. Network virtual scores allow children to be more motivated to learn and accomplish tasks. Learning how to cooperate with others and improve his personal skills. Let the children understand that well done will be rewarded, and vice versa.  To provide students with a variety of evaluation, and ultimately the use of results data to inform students of learning. Not only let the children have a sense of participation, but also parents.




Padlet is an electronic white board, where we can post text, audio, video, file, website links, and take photos if a webcam is embeded. Once the padlet was created, we can share it by sending the URL or embed it in blog or web page.

The Internet is amazing. We can share all kinds of daily via Internet. It can record the little details in our lives. It is meaning for us.

When the teacher needs us to upload videos, we can upload and share to the blog via this software. This software is very convenient, because it can upload text, pictures, audio, video, documents and Web links.

Model digital age work and learning. Teachers need to collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation. By using this software, teachers have to exhibit knowledge and students have to demonstrate fluency in technology. For example, when the teacher asks the students to upload videos, the student uploads them and  then teacher can see them. The use of the network can make teaching more convenient and fast


Made with Padlet


Day Two

My understanding on the flipped classroom

The flipped classroom is a new teaching model. It  inverts traditional teaching methods, delivering instruction online outside of class and moving “homework” into the classroom. A  flipped classroom is one where students are introduced to content at home, and practice working through it at school.

Yes, because learning in the flipped classroom is more interesting. The new teaching model replaces the traditional model that teacher give lectures in school every day and students do homework at the podium. This new model that watch video at home and discuss in class can save cost and time. This makes me be more interested in the content, and can  grasp the knowledge better.

Yes, because children are more interested in this new method. And it has been attempted on many class and get good results. This is also a good teaching way to save money and save time.

Working experiences on creating a lesson plan with the flipped classroom teaching model

We need to simulate a course by ourselves and we never do things like this before. It is important to know your aim and what can your learn from the course plan you make. Making a plan is not difficult but make it be  feasible is hard.

It is the first time to make a lesson plan by ourselves. Although it is a little bit difficult for us, but we try and make it perfect. In this work, l can know the hardships of teachers to make lesson plans.

To make a lesson plan, It is important to pay attention to details. Because it is not just look by yourself but also show to others. From this project, I know that It is hard to be a teacher.

View my lesson plan second worked

My experiences on working on the survey

It is the first time to do the survey on the Internet. It is not as convenient as writing. It is important to master the use of the app.

Yes. Although it is not skilled enough at first, when you know how to use it it becomes easy. Video tutorials also help us get better.

When we need to do the investigation report, this software is very convenient for us to do so. It is very useful when we need big data to analysis. The interface is clear and it is easy to share to others.

View my survey


About me and ED 326

My Chinese name is Zhuojia Zhao and my English name is Rita. I come from Shanghai Xuhui District. My hobbies are singing, playing the piano, seeing scenery, cheating and reading. My major is pre-school education.

With the progress of the times, people pay more and more attention to early childhood education. The requirements for the teacher is also getting higher and higher. From three video we watched on the class we can see how technology used in pre-school class. Through high-tech can promote the communication between children and teachers better. And can also make the child more interested in classroom content to grasp the knowledge. As a kindergarten teacher, we have to learn to use technology to help children. It is important to have children participate in the classroom, which will inspire their class enthusiasm.It is important to make children take participate in the classroom, which will inspire their enthusiasm in class. In the video, the teacher let the children go to the whiteboard to count and recognize the number. When a classmate done well, the students will give him great applause. These all make children be more engaged in learning. To be a kindergarten teacher, we need not only professional skills, but also need to be skillful that know howtouse technology.